A dedicated page to answer your most frequently asked questions.

Payments are completely managed by Stripe, our payment service provider. Stripe is a well established payment provider in the world and it is a reliable and popular choice for app makers.

As long as you subscribe for a plan, you can cancel it anytime. Simply go to the "Subscription" menu to cancel it.

When you cancel your subscription, you keep the benefit of your plan for the rest of the month.

If you change your mind, you can always resubscribe or change your plan.

Yes, you can remove or use a new credit card for your subscription by going on the "Subscription" menu.

To run this app, there is some technical resources involved (physical servers, databases, ...). By subscribing, you not only benefit from additional features, but you also help supporting the app in the long run.

To help managing your shopping list and sharing it with your close ones.

I am the first user of Predzo, and this idea came from my frustration of having to manage what my family need across various channels (SMS, chat apps, ...). I was exhausted each time to have to regroup everything in one place.

As it is useful for me, I hope it will be for many others too!